
We help our clients throughout the process of change via coaching methods. We build on solid grounds and implementation of new habits. We guide you through the process of change on two levels: (i) in achieving specific targets, and (ii) in the emotional way. The process lies in the creative thinking so that the client finds its own solutions. Further, we pursue the client to implement its solutions successfully and to achieve desired results.
Each coaching session contains breathing techniques and observation of emotions.

Examples from specific coaching programs:

Start with the Man in the mirror - how to accept yourself and others the way as we are ?
You and Yourself - relationship wich lasts forever

Wind of Change - how to accept, things we cannot change and change things that we can ?
Life is a change. Change is an opportunity.

Contact us

Interested in VINZI ?
VINZI will help you with quiestions both on business and personal level. Take control of your mind and lead your business on the higher level.

Be a part of VINZI Team
Can you see into the heart of problem ?
Are you a powerfull person ?
Leave us a message or contact us via phone.

Tel: +421 2 32 31 0888

Sense & Emotions, s.r.o.
Eurovea Central 1
Pribinova 4, Bratislava

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Contact us

Interested in VINZI ?
VINZI will help you with quiestions both on business and personal level. Take control of your mind and lead your business on the higher level.

Be a part of VINZI Team
Can you see into the heart of problem ?
Are you a powerfull person ?
Leave us a message or contact us via phone.

Tel: +421 2 32 31 0888

Sense & Emotions, s.r.o.
Eurovea Central 1
Pribinova 4, Bratislava

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Phone number

Your message